Clone map
You will need to define a ‘clone’ map, which is a map in PCRaster format, with the model extent and resolution. This map is used as the ‘template’ for your model. You can create a clone map using PCRaster’s mapattr command in the Windows Command line window. Make sure you are in the model’s input directory. This can be done using commands as for example:
c: enter go to your c-drive
cd c:\SPHY\input enter go to the SPHY\input directory on your c-drive
d: enter go to your d-drive
cd d:\SPHY\input enter go to the SPHY\input directory on your d-drive
If you are in the model’s input directory, then type following in the Command line:
You will enter a menu, where you can set the clone map’s properties:
Figure 22: Command line menu for clone creation
Change the settings of the number of rows, number of columns, check if the y values in your model projection increase from bottom to top or from top to bottom, define the x and y values of the upperleft corner of your model’s extent, and define the cell length (spatial resolution).
When all is set, press “q” to quit and then press “y” to confirm the map creation. Then drag the newly created map into QGIS to check if the map has the correct extent. Remember to set the CRS of the “” after dragging the map into QGIS.
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