Soil erosion model input

The soil erosion model needs input data for each of the landuse classes, as provided in the landuse map. The user needs to provide a PCRaster table file (*.tbl), where each row represents a landuse class. The following data needs to be provided (with the numbers corresponding to the column numbers):

  1. Landuse class

  2. Plant height in m (PH)

  3. Stem density in stems m-2 (NV)

  4. Stem diameter in m (D)

  5. Canopy cover, from 0 to 1 (CC), only in case canopy cover is not obtained from LAI

  6. Ground cover, from 0 to 1 (GC)

  7. No erosion flag, 0 or 1 (e.g. for urban and water landuse classes)

  8. Tillage flag, 0 or 1

  9. Manning in s m-1/3, is only used when the value is bigger than 0

  10. No vegetation flag, 0 or 1, is used to switch off the roughness calculation for vegetation (Equation 67)

The model provides an optional table to provide changes in the landuse-specific soil erosion parameters after harvest of a crop. The following data needs to be provided (with the numbers corresponding to the column numbers):

  1. Landuse class

  2. Sowing date, as day of the year

  3. Harvest date, as day of the year

  4. Plant height in m (PH)

  5. Stem density in stems m-2 (NV)

  6. Stem diameter in m (D)

  7. Canopy cover, from 0 to 1 (CC), only in case canopy cover is not obtained from LAI

  8. Ground cover, from 0 to 1 (GC)

  9. Tillage flag, 0 or 1

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