
SPHY includes a large number of processes from which output can be generated through maps and timeseries. In a separate csv-file, the user can decide how map output should be generated for 50+ model variables. The csv-file has 6 columns. The first column makes reference to the variable name in the model, which should not be changed. In the second column the user can decide with which frequency the map output should be generated, with Y the yearly sum, M the monthly sum and D the daily sum. The option MS results in 12 output maps, with the long-term monthly average sum. In the third column the average per year (Y) and month (M) can be determined, which is most suitable for storage components, such as soil water storage and groundwater storage. Here the option MA results in 12 output maps, with the long.term monthly average. In the second and third column more than one output frequency can be selected, which should be separated with a “+” symbol. For example, when the user wants to get yearly and average monthly output the following combination should be provided: “Y+MA”.In the fourth column timeseries can be generated at the stations (see section 5.5), for instance for discharge and sediment yield. In the fifth column the user can define the filename (prefix), with a maximum of 6 characters. The sixth column provides information for each of the model variables.

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